Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Summer Camp at Koni High School

From April 15th until April 26th the Ecoteam along with Franzi, a German long-term volunteer, Austin and some other FSL staff members conducted a two week long summer camp at Koni High School.
The summer camp which had been prepared diligently over a long period of time was mostly characterised by different practice-oriented activities. However, also the theoretical principles were explicitly taken into consideration. Thus, the camp dealt with important environmental issues such as waste segregation, climate change and recycling. To implement this basic knowledge, we assisted the children with performing several activities as for instance building a compost pit for the school, seeding their own plants, recycling paper and establishing a waste segregation system at their school.

Paper recycling

On our way to the mangrove forest

Apart from that, the Ecoteam also prepared some special events for the students: On the one hand, we conducted a field trip to a nearby mangrove forest to observe this unique and fragile ecosystem. Afterwards, the children were provided with a lot of additional information on this topic. Moreover, we invited a local reporter to attend the inauguration ceremony on the first day of the camp.

The inauguration ceremony

All the participants with their prizes at the end of the cultural program

At the end of the two weeks, we also organised a final cultural program consisting of environmental presentations prepared by the students and an award ceremony. The award ceremony was intended to announce and reward the winners of the drawing competition we had conducted in the course of the camp. Furthermore, the Ecoteam awarded several prizes to all the participants; each student received an ecofriendly cotton bag designed by FSL filled with one piece of paper the children had recycled themselves. The bag also contained the plants they had grown before as well as a group picture with all the children.

The children showing their self-made windmills

The students collecting red soil for growing their own plants

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