winter camp with a tagline called “Jnanarjana Shibira 2013”
organised by Dr. Ambedkar Youth Club, Amrutha womens club, Archana
Womens Club- Gangolli , Rotary Club – kundapura and Spoorthi Rural
Development and Training Centre Koteshwara at SV PU College Gangolli
on 9th October 2013, in Gangolli it was a a 3 days winter camp for
school children, and FSL-India to take part in camp. Assignments for
us to demonstrate “Paper Bags” and Session on “Sea Turtle
had session about paper bag making and sea-turtle conservation
awareness ,Around 30 children participated in the camp .Also we were
taught about the need of using paper bags and being Eco-friendly to
reduce the usage of plastic bags and deference between Eco-friendly
paper bags and non-degradable plastic bags, paper-bag made with
newspapers, threads, glue, and tape; first we demonstrated one demo
for children later children started their work by making their own
bags, with help everyone finally got a beautiful bag, some of them
even colored and decorated their bags.
this new session started with a caption of – “We & sea
turtle conservation” The children learned about the different
species of sea turtles, food chain, the life cycle, threats and what
we can do to save turtles conservation in order to ensure ecological
balance of our Eco system. Curiously they watched and listened the
presentation and all promised wholeheartedly to call FSL if they find
a turtle nest or a wounded turtle. The session ended with a turtle
song and the nice feeling to gain some new allies for saving the sea
turtles in and around our conservation area. The session led by Ms.
Anna Lina a volunteer of Sea-turtle conservation project and Ms.
Manjula a staff of FSL-India – Home Based Project (HBP) with the
guidance of Project Manager (HBP) Mr.Vijay Kumar.
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